
博炮作文网>网王流水落花资源 > 第20部分(第2页)



not a sound from the pavement

has the moon lost her memory

she is smiling alone

in the lamplight

the withered leaves collect at my feet

and the wind begins to moan


all alone in the moonlight

i can smile at the old days

life was beautiful then

i remembe

the time i knew what happiness was

let the memory live again的084b6fbb10729ed4da8c3d3f5a3ae7c9

every street lamp

seems to beat

a fatalistic warning

someone mutters

and a street lamp gutters4

and soon it will be morning


i must wait for the sunrise

i must think of a new life

and i mustnt give in

when the dawn es

tonight will be a memory too

and a new day will begin

burnt out ends of smoky days

the stale cold smell of morning

the street lamp dies

another night is over

another day is dawning

