
博炮作文网>富有哲理的英文单词 > 第19部分(第2页)


Yet; the programming is strong。 I find myself struggling over a task and it ends up dragging itself out。 Have you noticed that the things that you dislike doing are the ones that seem to take forever to get done? As for the opposite viewpoint; well as the saying goes; “Time flies when you’re having fun!”

Learning to go against that old programming and trusting the “fun index” is an ongoing project。 Every small step is; at the same time; a big leap。 Each step will move you away from dissatisfaction with your life and closer to self…love; self…acceptance; self…esteem and joy in your everyday existence。

Anytime you ignore that inner prompting; you accumulate self…loathing and disappointment in your being。 Your inner child once again feels letdown and unimportant。 Each letdown reinforce the inner child’s belief that everybody else’s wishes are more important than its own。 Once again its desires are relegated to the lowest priority on the list。

Yet; it’s YOUR life! Why let someone else dictate how you “should” live it? Ask yourself what steps YOU want to take! Listen to the voice within which will tell you what would really make you feel fulfilled and satisfied。 YOU ARE the boss of your life! After all; it’s yours; isn’t it?









■ 心灵小语




A friend and I were standing in line at the grocery store the other day; and I was telling her how lazy my children were。 I had e in from work that morning; and like most times; my house was wrecked。

“I believe children nowadays are just out for what they can get。 I bend over backwards for them; and they can’t even help keep our house clean。 It wouldn’t bother me so; but it’s the woman who looks bad if the house is a mess。”

“Do you know how blessed you are?” A woman behind us asked。 “I would love to go home and find my house a mess。 I wouldn’t mind my carpet being ruined or the dishes left everywhere。 I wouldn’t mind the dirty clothes being piled high or the many socks to match。 I wouldn’t even mind anyone talking about my dirty home。 Matter of fact; I would love it。 I would dearly love to kick my way through the house just to get to my kids and be able to hug them; kiss them and tell them how much I love them。 You see; my two children were killed in an auto accident and now it’s just my husband and me。 My house stays clean; my clothes stay put up; the dishes are done。

“There are no fingerprints on my walls; no mysterious spots on my carpets。 There are no sounds of arguing; no slamming doors; no laughter; no I love you Mom。 So you see; you are very blessed。 What I would give to be going through what you are right now。 How I would love to be able to hold my kids; wipe away their tears; share their dreams。 Just to watch them play。 If I had my children; I wouldn’t care how my house looked。 I would be happy just to have them。”

Now if you e into my house and see a big old mess; you can think bad thoughts if you want; but I feel greatly blessed。









