
博炮作文网>蓝色列车之谜演员 > 第17部分(第3页)


〃By peaceful or by forcible methods?〃

George looked shocked。

〃You will excuse me; sir;〃 he said; 〃but a gentleman of the aristocracy would not behave like a Whitechapel coster。 He would not do anything low。〃

〃Would he not; Georges? I wonder now? Perhaps you are right。〃

There was a knock on the door。 George went to it and opened it a discreet inch or two。 A low murmured colloquy went on; and then the valet returned to Poirot。 〃A note; sir。〃

Poirot took it。 It was from M。 Caux; the missary of Police。

〃We are about to interrogate the te de la Roche。 The Juge dInstruction begs that you will be present。〃

〃Quickly; my suit; Georges。 I must hasten myself。〃

A quarter of an hour later; spick and span in his brown suit; Poirot entered the Examining Magistrates room。 M。 Caux was already there; and both he and M。 Carrege greeted Poirot with polite empressement。

〃The affair is somewhat discouraging;〃 murmured M。 Caux。

〃It appears that the te arrived in Nice the day before the murder。〃

〃If that is true; it will settle your affair nicely for you;〃 responded Poirot。

M。 Carrege cleared his throat。

〃We must not accept this alibi without very cautious inquiry;〃 he declared。 He struck the bell upon the table with his hand。 In another minute a tall dark man; exquisitely dressed; with a somewhat haughty cast of countenance; entered the room。 So very aristocratic…looking was the Count; that it would have seemed sheer heresy even to whisper that his father had been an obscure corn…chandler in Nantes … which; as a matter of fact; was the case。 Looking at him; one would have been prepared to swear that innumerable ancestors of his must have perished by the guillotine in the French Revolution。〃

〃I am here; gentlemen;〃 said the Count haughtily。 〃May I ask why you wish to see me?〃

〃Pray be seated; Monsieur le te;〃 said the Examining Magistrate politely。 〃It is the affair of the death of Madame Kettering that we are investigating。〃

〃The death of Madame Kettering? I do not understand。〃

〃You were … ahem! … acquainted with the lady; I believe; Monsieur le te?〃

〃Certainly I was acquainted with her。 What has that to do with the matter?〃

Sticking an eyeglass in his eye; he looked coldly round the room; his glance resting longest on Poirot; who was gazing at him with a kind of simple; innocent admiration which was most pleasing to the Counts vanity。 M。 Carrege leaned back in his chair and cleared his throat。

〃You do not perhaps know; Monsieur le te …〃 he paused … 〃that Madame Kettering was murdered?〃

〃Murdered? Mon Dieu; how terrible!〃

The surprise and the sorrow were excellently done … so well done; indeed; as to seem wholly natural。

〃Madame Kettering was strangled between Paris and Lyons;〃 continued M。 Carrege; 〃and her jewels were stolen。〃

〃It is iniquitous!〃 cried the Count warmly; 〃the police should do something about these train bandits。 Nowadays no one is safe。〃

〃In Madames handbag;〃 continued the Judge; 〃we found a letter to her from you。 She had; it seemed; arranged to meet you?〃

The Count shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands。

〃Of what use are concealments;〃 he said frankly。 〃We are all men of the world。 Privately and between ourselves; I admit the affair。〃

〃You met her in Paris and travelled down with her; I believe?〃 said M。 Carrege。

〃That was the original arrangement; but by Madames wish it was changed。 I was to meet her at Hyeres。〃

〃You did not meet her on the train at the Gare de Lyon on the evening of the 14th?〃

〃On the contrary; I arrived in Nice on the morning of that day; so what you suggest is impossible。〃

〃Quite so; quite so;〃 said M。 Carrege。 〃As a matter of fact; you would perhaps give me an account of your movements during the evening and night of the 14th。〃

The Count reflected for a minute。

