〃That is well then;〃 murmured the te。
When Hippolyte had withdrawn; the te sipped his black coffee with a reflective air。 Occasionally he frowned; once he shook his head slightly; twice he nodded it … into the midst of these cogitations came Hippolyte once more。
〃A lady; Monsieur。〃
〃A lady?〃
The te was surprised。 Not that a visit from a lady was an unusual thing at the Villa Marina; but at this particular moment the te could not think who the lady was likely to be。
〃She is; I think; a lady not known to Monsieur;〃 murmured the valet helpfully。
The te was more and more intrigued。
〃Show her out here; Hippolyte;〃 he manded。
A moment later a marvellous vision in orange and black stepped out on the terrace; acpanied by a strong perfume of exotic blossoms。
〃Monsieur le te de la Roche?〃
〃At your service; Mademoiselle;〃 said the te; bowing。
〃My name is Mirelle。 You may have heard of me。〃
〃Ah; indeed; Mademoiselle; but who has not been enchanted by the dancing of Mademoiselle Mirelle? Exquisite!〃
The dancer acknowledged this pliment with a brief mechanical smile。
〃My descent upon you is unceremonious;〃 she began。
〃But seat yourself; I beg of you; Mademoiselle;〃 cried the te; bringing forward a chair。
Behind the gallantry of his manner he was observing her narrowly。 There were very few things that the te did not know about women。 True; his experience had not lain much in ladies of Mirelles class; who were themselves predatory。 He and the dancer were; in a sense; birds of a feather。 His arts; the te knew; would be thrown away on Mirelle。 She was a Parisienne; and a shrewd one。 Nevertheless; there was one thing that the te could recognize infallibly when he saw it。 He knew at once that he was in the presence of a very angry woman; and an angry woman; as the te was well aware; always says more than is prudent; and is occasionally a source of profit to a level…headed gentleman who keeps cool。
〃It is most amiable of you; Mademoiselle; to honour my poor abode thus。〃
〃We have mutual friends in Paris;〃 said Mirelle。 〃I have heard of you from them; but I e to see you today for another reason。 I have heard of you since I came to Nice … in a different way; you understand。〃
〃Ah?〃 said the te softly。
〃I will be brutal;〃 continued the dancer; 〃nevertheless; believe that I have your welfare at heart。 They are saying in Nice; Monsieur le te; that you are the murderer of the English lady; Madame Kettering。〃
〃I … the murderer of Madame Kettering? Pah! But how absurd!〃
He spoke more languidly than indignantly; knowing that he would thus provoke her further。
〃But yes;〃 she insisted; 〃it is as I tell you。〃
〃It amuses people to talk;〃 murmured the te indifferently。 〃It would be beneath me to take such wild accusations seriously。〃
〃You do not understand。〃 Mirelle bent forward; her dark eyes flashing。 〃It is not the idle talk of those in the streets。 It is the police。〃
〃The police … ah?〃
The te sat up; alert once more。
Mirelle nodded her head vigorously several times。
〃Yes; yes。 You prehend me … I have friends everywhere。 The Prefect himself …〃
She left the sentence unfinished; with an eloquent shrug of the shoulders。
〃Who is not indiscreet where a beautiful woman is concerned?〃 murmured the Count politely。
〃The police believe that you killed Mrs Kettering。 But they are wrong。〃