
博炮作文网>蓝色列车 > 第26部分(第1页)


〃You are trying to warn me;〃 said Katherine in a low voice。 〃Against whom?〃

〃I cannot look into your heart; Mademoiselle; I do not think you would let me if I could。 I will just say this。 There are men who have a strange fascination for women。〃

〃The te de la Roche;〃 said Katherine; with a smile。

〃There are others … more dangerous than the te de la Roche。 They have qualities that appeal … recklessness; daring; audacity。 You are fascinated; Mademoiselle; I see that; but I think that it is no more than that。 I hope so。 This man of whom I speak; the emotion he feels is genuine enough; but all the same …〃


He got up and stood looking down at her。 Then he spoke in a low; distinct voice:

〃You could; perhaps; love a thief; Mademoiselle; but not a murderer。〃

He wheeled sharply away on that and left her sitting there。

He heard the little gasp she gave and paid no attention。 He had said what he meant to say。 He left her there to digest that last unmistakable phrase。

Derek Kettering; ing out of the Casino into the sunshine; saw her sitting alone on the bench and joined her。

〃I have been gambling;〃 he said; with a light laugh; 〃gambling unsuccessfully。 I have lost everything … everything; that is; that I have with me。〃

Katherine looked at him with a troubled face。 She was aware at once of something new in his manner; some hidden excitement that betrayed itself in a hundred different infinitesimal signs。

〃I should think you were always a gambler。 The spirit of gambling appeals to you。〃

〃Every day and in every way a gambler? You are about right。 Dont you find something stimulating in it? To risk all on one throw … there is nothing like it。〃

Calm and stolid as she believed herself to be; Katherine felt a faint answering thrill。

〃I want to talk to you;〃 went on Derek; 〃and who knows when I may have another opportunity? There is an idea going about that I murdered my wife … no; please dont interrupt。 It is absurd; of course。〃 He paused for a minute or two; then went on; speaking more deliberately。 〃In dealing with the police and Local Authorities here I have had to pretend to … well … a certain decency。 I prefer not to pretend with you。 I meant to marry money。 I was on the look out for money when I first met Ruth Van Aldin。 She had the look of a slim Madonna about her; and I … well … I made all sorts of good resolutions … and was bitterly disillusioned。 My wife was in love with another man when she married me。 She never cared for me in the least。 Oh; I am not plaining; the thing was a perfectly respectable bargain。 She wanted Leconbury and I wanted money。 The trouble arose simply through Ruths American blood。 Without caring a pin for me; she would have liked me to be continually dancing attendance。 Time and again she as good as told me that she had bought me and that I belonged to her。 The result was that I behaved abominably to her。 My father…in…law will tell you that; and he is quite right。 At the time of Ruths death; I was faced with absolute disaster。〃 He laughed suddenly。 〃One is faced with absolute disaster when one is up against a man like Rufus Van Aldin。〃

〃And then?〃 asked Katherine in a low voice。

〃And then;〃 Derek shrugged his shoulders; 〃Ruth was murdered … very providentially。〃

He laughed; and the sound of his laugh hurt Katherine。 She winced。

〃Yes;〃 said Derek。 〃that wasnt in very good taste。 But it is quite true。 Now I am going to tell you something more。 From the very first moment I saw you I knew you were the only woman in the world for me。 I was … afraid of you。 I thought you might bring me bad luck。〃

〃Bad luck?〃 said Katherine sharply。

He stared at her。 〃Why do you repeat it like that? What have you got in your mind?〃

〃I was thinking of things that people have said to me。〃

Derek grinned suddenly。 〃They will say a lot to you about me; my dear; and most of it will be true。 Yes; and worse things too … things that I shall never tell you。 I have been a gambler always … and I have taken some long odds。 I shant confess to you now or at any other time。 The past is done with。 There is one thing I do wish you to believe。 I swear to you solemnly that I did not kill my wife。〃

He said the words earnestly enough; yet there was somehow a theatrical touch about them。 He met her troubled gaze and went on:

〃I know。 I lied the other day。 It was my wifes partment I went into。〃

〃Ah;〃 said Katherine。

〃Its difficult to explain just why I went in; but Ill try。 I did it on an impulse。 You see; I was more or less spying on my wife。 I kept out of sight on the train。 Mirelle had told me that my wife was meeting the te de la Roche in Paris。 Well; as far as I had seen; that was not so。 I felt ashamed; and I thought suddenly that it would be a good thing to have it out with her once and for all; so I pushed open the door and went in。〃

