
博炮作文网>Rainbow儿童英文版 > 第81部分(第2页)


teacher; for her training。 But; having already taken her

matriculation examination; she was entered for a university

course。 At the end of a year she would sit for the Intermediate

Arts; then two years after for her B。A。 So her case was not that

of the ordinary school…teacher。 She would be working among the

private students who came only for pure education; not for mere

professional training。 She would be of the elect。

For the next three years she would be more or less dependent

on her parents again。 Her training was free。 All college fees

were paid by the government; she had moreover a few pounds grant

every year。 This would just pay for her train fares and her

clothing。 Her parents would only have to feed her。 She did not

want to cost them much。 They would not be well off。 Her father

would earn only two hundred a year; and a good deal of her

mothers capital was spent in buying the house。 Still; there was

enough to get along with。

Gudrun was attending the Art School at Nottingham。 She was

working particularly at sculpture。 She had a gift for this。 She

loved making little models in clay; of children or of animals。

Already some of these had appeared in the Students Exhibition

in the Castle; and Gudrun was a distinguished person。 She was

chafing at the Art School and wanted to go to London。 But there

was not enough money。 Neither would her parents let her go so


Theresa had left the High School。 She was a great strapping;

bold hussy; indifferent to all higher claims。 She would stay at

home。 The others were at school; except the youngest。 When term

started; they would all be transferred to the Grammar School at

Willey Green。

Ursula was excited at making acquaintances in Beldover。 The

excitement soon passed。 She had tea at the clergymans; at the

chemists; at the other chemists; at the doctors; at the

under…managers……then she knew practically everybody。 She

could not take people very seriously; though at the time she

wanted to。

She wandered the country; on foot and on her bicycle; finding

it very beautiful in the forest direction; between Mansfield and

Southwell and Worksop。 But she was here only skirmishing for

amusement。 Her real exploration would begin in college。

Term began。 She went into town each day by train。 The

