
博炮作文网>蓝色列车之迷 > 第4部分(第2页)


There was charm in it … there had always been charm in it。 He looked piercingly at his son…in…law。 Derek Kettering was thirty…four; lean of build; with a dark; narrow face; which had even now something indescribabiy boyish in it。

〃e in;〃 said Van Aldin curtly。 〃Sit down。〃

Kettering flung himself lightly into an armchair。 He looked at his father…in…law with a kind of tolerant amusement。

〃Not seen you for a long time; sir;〃 he remarked pleasantly。 〃About two years; I should say。 Seen Ruth yet?〃

〃I saw her last night;〃 said Van Aldin。

〃Looking very fit; isnt she?〃 said the other lightly。

〃I didnt know you had had much opportunity of judging;〃 said Van Aldin drily。

Derek Kettering raised his eyebrows。

〃Oh; we sometimes meet at the same night club; you know;〃 he said airily。

〃I am not going to beat about the bush;〃 Van Aldin said curtly。 〃I have advised Ruth to file a petition for divorce。〃

Derek Kettering seemed unmoved。

〃How drastic!〃 he murmured。 〃Do you mind if I smoke; sir?〃

He lit a cigarette; and puffed out a cloud of smoke as he added nonchalantly:

〃And what did Ruth say?〃

〃Ruth proposes to take my advice;〃 said her father。

〃Does she really?〃

〃Is that all you have got to say?〃 demanded Van Aldin sharply。

Kettering flicked his ash into the grate。

〃I think; you know;〃 he said; with a detached air; 〃that shes making a great mistake。〃

〃From your point of view she doubtless is;〃 said Van Aldin grimly。

〃Oh; e now;〃 said the other; 〃dont lets be personal。 I really wasnt thinking of myself at the moment。 I was thinking of Ruth。 You know my poor old Governor really cant last much longer; all the doctors say so。 Ruth had better give it a couple more years; then I shall be Lord Leconbury; and she can be chatelaine of Leconbury; which is what she married me for。〃

〃I wont have any of your darned impudence;〃 roared Van Aldin。

Derek Kettering smiled at him quite unmoved。

〃I agree with you。 Its an obsolete idea;〃 he said。 〃Theres nothing in a title nowadays。 Still; Leconbury is a very fine old place; and; after all; we are one of the oldest families in England。 It will be very annoying for Ruth if she divorces me to find me marrying again; and some other woman queening it at Leconbury instead of her。〃

〃I am serious; young man;〃 said Van Aldin。

〃Oh; so am I;〃 said Kettering。 〃I am in very low water financially; it will put me in a nasty hole if Ruth divorces me; and; after all; if she has stood it for ten years; why not stand it a little longer? I give you my word of honour that the old man cant possibly last out another eighteen months; and; as I said before; its a pity Ruth shouldnt get what she married me for。〃

〃You suggest that my daughter married you for your title and position?〃

Derek Kettering laughed a laugh that was not all amusement。

〃You dont think it atch?〃 he asked。

〃I know;〃 said Van Aldin slowly; 〃that you spoke very differently in Paris ten years ago。〃

〃Did I? Perhaps I did。 Ruth was very beautiful; you know … rather like an angel or a saint; or something that had stepped down from a niche in a church。 I had fine ideas; I remember; of turning over a new leaf; of settling down and living up to the highest traditions of English home…life with a beautiful wife who loved me。〃

He laughed again; rather more discordantly。

〃But you dont believe that; I suppose?〃 he said。

〃I have no doubt at all that you married Ruth for her money;〃 said Van Aldin unemotionally。

〃And that she married me for love?〃 asked the other ironically。

〃Certainly;〃 said Van Aldin。

Derek Kettering stared at him for a minute or two; then he nodded reflectively。

〃I see you believe that;〃 he said。 〃So did I at the time。 I can assure you; my dear father…in…law; I was very soon undeceived。〃

