〃Chubby would never …〃 she began。
〃No;〃 said Lenox; 〃I dont believe he would; he knows a jolly sight too well which way his bread is buttered。〃
〃Darling;〃 said Lady Tamplin; 〃you have such a coarse way of putting things。〃
〃Sorry;〃 said Lenox。
Lady Tamplin gathered up the Daily Mail and her negligee; a vanity…bag; and various odd letters。
〃I shall write to dear Katherine at once;〃 she said; 〃and remind her of the dear old days at Edgeworth。〃
She went into the house; a light of purpose shining in her eyes。
Unlike Mrs Samuel Harfield; correspondence flowed easily from her pen。 She covered four sheets without pause or effort; and on re…reading it found no occasion to alter a word。
Katherine received it on the morning of her arrival in London。 Whether she read between the lines of it or not is another matter。
She put it in her handbag and started out to keep the appointment she had made with Mrs Harfields lawyers。
The firm was an old…established one in Lincolns Inn Fields; and after a few minutes delay Katherine was shown into the presence of the senior partner; a kindly; elderly man with shrewd blue eyes and a fatherly manner。
They discussed Mrs Harfields will and various legal matters for some minutes; then Katherine handed the lawyer Mrs Samuels letter。
〃I had better show you this; I suppose;〃 she said; 〃though it is really rather ridiculous。〃
He read it with a slight smile。
〃Rather a crude attempt; Miss Grey。 I need hardly tell you; I suppose; that these people have no claim of any kind upon the estate; and if they endeavour to contest the will no court will uphold them。〃
〃I thought as much。〃
〃Human nature is not always very wise。 In Mrs Samuel Harfields place; I should have been more inclined to make an appeal to your generosity。〃
〃That is one of the things I wanted to speak to you about。 I should like a certain sum to go to these people。〃
〃There is no obligation。〃
〃I know that。〃
〃And they will not take it in the spirit it is meant。 They will probably regard it as an attempt to pay them off; though they will not refuse it on that account。〃
〃I can see that; and it cant be helped。〃
〃I should advise you; Miss Grey; to put that idea out of your head。〃
Katherine shook her head。 〃You are quite right; I know; but I should like it done all the same。〃
〃They will grab at the money and abuse you all the more afterwards。〃
〃Well;〃 said Katherine; 〃let them if they like。 We all have our own ways of enjoying ourselves。 They were; after all; Mrs Harfields only relatives; and though they despised her as a poor relation and paid no attention to her when she was alive; it seems to me unfair that they should be cut off with nothing。〃
She carried her point; though the lawyer was still unwilling; and she presently went out into the streets of London with a fortable assurance that she could spend the money freely and make what plans she liked for the future。 Her first action was to visit the establishment of a famous dressmaker。
A slim; elderly Frenchwoman; rather like a dreaming duchess; received her; and Katherine spoke with a certain naiveté。
〃I want; if I may; to put myself in your hands。 I have been very poor all my life and know nothing about clothes; but now I have e into some money and want to look really well dressed。〃
The Frenchwoman was charmed。 She had an artists temperament; which had been soured earlier in the morning by a visit from an Argentine meat queen; who had insisted on having those models least suited to her flamboyant type of beauty。 She scrutinized Katherine with keen; clever eyes。 〃Yes … yes; it will be a pleasure; Mademoiselle has a very good figure; for her the simple lines will be best。 She is also très anglaise。 Some people it would offend them if I said that; but Mademoiselle; no。 Une belle Anglaise; there is no style more delightful。〃
The demeanour of a dreaming duchess was suddenly put off。 She screamed out diction to various mannequins。 〃Clothilde; Virginie; quickly; my little ones; the little tailleur gris clair and the robe de soirée soupir dautomne。 Marcelle; my child; the little mimosa suit of crepe de chine。〃
It was a charming morning。 Marcelle; Clothilde; Virginie; bored and scornful; passed sloing and wriggling in the time…honoured fashion of mannequins。
The Duchess stood by Katherine and made entries in a small notebook。
〃An excellent choice; Mademoiselle。 Mademoiselle has great go?t。 Yes; indeed。 Mademoiselle cannot do better than those little suits if she is going to the Riviera; as I suppose; this winter。〃
〃Let me see that evening dress once more;〃 said Katherine … 〃the pinky mauve one。〃
Virginie appeared; circling slowly。
〃That is the prettiest of all;〃 said Katherine; as she surveyed the exquisite draperies of mauve and grey and blue。 〃What do you call it?〃
〃Soupir dautomne; yes; yes; that is truly the dress of Mademoiselle。〃