
博炮作文网>蓝色列车之迷 > 第20部分(第2页)


〃He is very attractive。〃

〃Yes; he is attractive。〃

〃What dont you like about him?〃

Katherine did not reply to the question or at any rate not directly。 〃He spoke of his wifes death;〃 she said。 〃He said he would not pretend that it had been anything but a bit of most marvellous luck for him。〃

〃And that shocked you; I suppose;〃 said Lenox。 She paused; and then added in rather a queer tone of voice: 〃He likes you; Katherine。〃

〃He gave me a very good lunch;〃 said Katherine; smiling。

Lenox refused to be sidetracked。

〃I saw it the night he came here;〃 she said thoughtfully。 〃The way he looked at you; and you are not his usual type … just the opposite。 Well; I suppose it is like religion … you get it at a certain age。〃

〃Mademoiselle is wanted at the telephone;〃 said Marie; appearing at the window of the salon。 〃M。 Hercule Poirot desires to speak with her。〃

〃More blood and thunder。 Go on; Katherine; go and dally with your detective。〃

M。 Hercule Poirots voice came neat and precise in its intonation to Katherines ear。

〃That is Mademoiselle Grey who speaks? Mademoiselle; I have a word for you from M。 Van Aldin; the father of Madame Kettering。 He wishes very much to speak with you; either at the Villa Marguerite or at his hotel; whichever you prefer。〃

Katherine reflected for a moment; but she decided that for Van Aldin to e to the Villa Marguerite would be both painful and unnecessary。 Lady Tamplin would have hailed his advent with far too much delight。 She never lost a chance of cultivating millionaires。 She told Poirot that she would much rather e to Nice。

〃Excellent; Mademoiselle。 I will call for you myself in an auto。 Shall we say in about three…quarters of an hour?〃

Punctually to the moment Poirot appeared。 Katherine was waiting for him; and they drove off at once。

〃Well; Mademoiselle; how goes it?〃

She looked at his twinkling eyes; and was confirmed in her first impression that there was something very attractive about M。 Hercule Poirot。

〃This is our own Roman Policier; is it not?〃 said Poirot。 〃I made you the promise that we should study it together。 And me … I always keep my promises。〃

〃You are too kind;〃 murmured Katherine。

〃Ah; you mock yourself at me; but do you want to hear the developments of the case or do you not?〃

Katherine admitted that she did; and Poirot proceeded to sketch for her a thumbnail portrait of the te de la Roche。

〃You think he killed her;〃 said Katherine thoughtfully。

〃That is the theory;〃 said Poirot guardedly。

〃Do you yourself believe that?〃

〃I did not say so。 And you; Mademoiselle; what do you think?〃

Katherine shook her head。

〃How should I know? I dont know anything about those things; but I should say that …〃

〃Yes;〃 said Poirot encouragingly。

〃Well … from what you say the Count does not sound the kind of man who would actually kill anybody。〃

〃Ah! Very good;〃 cried Poirot; 〃you agree with me; that is just what I have said。〃

He looked at her sharply。 〃But tell me; you have met Mr Derek Kettering?〃

