
博炮作文网>gossip girl第二季在线 > 第16部分(第2页)


hired。” She held out her hand and smiled sweetly at Jenny。 “I’m

Serena;” she said。

“I know;” Jenny said; blushing even redder。 “I’m Jenny。”

Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events havebeen altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent。 Namely; me。

hey people!


This just in from an anonymous source: Apparently; back when they

were still tight; S and B shared a hot hot…tub moment together in

C’s suite in the Tribeca Star。 Was the kiss an expression of their

true feelings for each other? Or were they just messing around like

two silly drunk girls? Either way; it definitely adds a little tension to

the mix。 What fun!

And in case you haven’t seen the poster plastered on all the buses;

taxis; and subways all over town; the original photo of S can still be

seen at the Whitehot Gallery in Chelsea; amidst portraits of other

notorious scenesters; myself included。 That’s right! The Remi

brothers were just too sexy to resist。 The fabulous are fabulous for a

reason; people。

Your E…mail

Dear Gossip Girl;I won’t tell you who I am; but I’m in the Remi

brothers show too。 I really love their work; and I love the picture

they took of me; but no way would I let them put it on the side of a

bus。 If you ask me; S is asking for whatever she gets。 And from

what I’m hearing; she’s getting it。—Anonomy

Dear Anonomy; It’s cool to be modest; but personally; if you

wanted to put any bit of me on the side of a bus; I’d be willing。 I’m a

fame whore。—GG

SightingsLittle J buying a huge book on filmmaking at Shakespeare and Co。

on Broadway。 N hanging out with C at a bar over on First Avenue。

Guess N wants to keep his eye on C so C doesn’t spill the beans;

huh? And B buying lots of candles in a shop on Lex for her big night

with N。

That’s all for now。 Have fun this weekend—I definitely will。

You know you love me;

The Star Lounge in the Tribeca Star Hotel was big and swanky; filled

with fy armchairs and ottomans and circular banquettes; so

that the guests could feel like they were having their own private

party at each table。 One wall was lit with dozens of black candles;

flickering in the dimly lit room; and a DJ was playing mellow lounge

